The following steps show which aspects should be given special attention. their customers (and their potential customers) should know their preferences and expectations. Accordingly before implementing the Mobile First strategy it is important to deal with questions such as Who do I want to address and What is particularly important for my target group. Customize website content Based on the answers to the questions mentioned in point it is now time to customize the content to be displayed on the page.
This also includes deferring content in order to let others come into focus even better. The more information about moible number data the target group is available the more detailed you can proceed here. Rely on responsive design Responsive designs are incredibly useful tools when it comes to adapting a page to mobile devices. Because: regardless of the type the designs ensure that the screen or its display adapts to the content. Behind the increased user comfort are sometimes complex technical systems in connection with which details about the device used are queried in order to demonstrate the perfect display conversely. Ideally against mobile-first strategy and responsive design.
Mobile first strategy Enter the world of online and social media marketing! Search engine optimization mobile first or responsive design - the world of online marketing is big and is constantly growing. In order to maintain the current status continuous training and further education has top priority. With our seminars and in-house training courses we offer you a wide range of different topics with different focal points.