本帖最後由 arafat8888@gmai 於 2024-2-24 13:53 編輯
Declaring an activity allows you to practice completely legally. It will then be necessary to determine the legal status of the company, dropshipping being considered a traditional business. For what ? Because it's all about selling items and making money. Note that the choice relating to status will strongly depend on whether it is a main activity or a means of supplementing one's income. Here are the ones you can choose from: Self-employed status.
The Single Person Company with Simplified Liability (EURL). The Simplified Anhui Mobile Number List Limited Company (SASU). Entrepreneurs starting out in dropshipping generally turn to micro-businesses. However, care should be taken not to exceed a certain turnover ceiling. You should also keep in mind that this status does not allow you to charge professional expenses linked to e-commerce. Once this point has been determined and the business created, it will be necessary to train in dropshipping.
Thus, you will have all the keys in hand to move on to the next step, that relating to the definition of the offer and the targeted market. Supply and market, a point to be determined In recent years, e-commerce has grown significantly and now represents a significant part of online sales. In order to stand out, it is therefore necessary to offer an original offer. You also need to take the time to target the consumers you want to reach, for example by specializing in a branch. Being a specialist in this field can only bring positive things.