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What is social selling









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發表於 2024-3-13 16:05:09 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Enjoy!Social selling: the sales revolution Our shopping habits have taken a dramatic turn. Before, when we wanted to buy something, we would turn to our acquaintances for a recommendation and, sometimes, we would go directly to the store, where a friendly advisor would help us make the best decision. Guest Author Oct ,  |  min read But today there are other variables that influence the purchasing process. And although we continue to look for recommendations, now we do so in a digital environment , where we can find out about any product or service before setting foot in a point of sale or contacting a salesperson. This changes the landscape for sales teams.

If your audience informs themselves on the Internet and consults social HT Lists networks before making a purchasing decision, that is where you should be ; anticipating your potential customers' needs before they know they have them. Which brings us to the topic of this article... What is social selling? Social selling is an inbound marketing technique in which you as an advisor can use social networks to identify potential clients, connect with them, listen to them, establish relationships of trust and position yourself as an expert in your area. This will allow you to be present in their mind and become the natural option once they have the need to purchase.

Telemarketing techniques still exist today, in which an advisor calls a potential client directly to offer something (usually insurance or a credit card). These techniques are not only intrusive (and incredibly annoying), but also ineffective compared to social selling. In fact, only % of those calls convert into sales opportunities, compared to % of social media leads that do. Source: blog.hootsuite How to do social selling?  . Define your personal brand Brands are abstract, but you are real. People like to interact with other people, so use your first and last name and a good photo. Share your professional experience and don't be afraid to talk about your skills and how you have helped other people solve their needs.


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