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It is important to remember that the functional dimension









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發表於 2024-3-6 14:23:34 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
How to apply JTBD in your framework? The JTBD is not a complex theory. It is simply about changing the lens through which you observe consumers. However, applying this theory can be a little more complicated. To do this, you must follow some steps that make up a framework to apply Jobs to be Done successfully. See the step by step below: Define the market based on "Jobs to be Done" The first step is to identify the market opportunities that you are going to take advantage of. And, for that, it is necessary to segment the audience based on their needs. Under the lens of Jobs to be Done, the segment is the group of people who

have the same “jobs to be done.” That way, the most attractive group tends to Chinese Australia Phone Number List be the one whose job has more people wanting to solve a problem and fewer companies serving them. The focus of segmentation is not the audience, but the job: it is the job that you should focus on. Discover what results your consumers expect ADVERTISEMENT In the second stage of the framework, you must understand what the needs of that market segment are. In the McDonald's example, the job of feeding and having fun on the way to work involved a series of needs, such as arriving on time and with clean clothes. These are the results that the

customer expects in that situation — understood as their success metrics — and that the purchasing experience must provide. It is important to remember that the functional dimension, as in the previous example, is essential. But you also have to understand what the social and emotional needs of clients are. How do you want to feel when doing the job? How do you want to be (or avoid being) perceived? This way, you will also be able to understand the expected intangible results. Quantify the degree of attention that the job receives After identifying the job and consumer needs, it's time to look at the competition. Are there solutions for the situation that the client wants to resolve? Can your competitor satisfy all of his needs? Is there a better id


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