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Chargebee B2B Landing Page









Rank: 1

發表於 2024-3-7 15:00:02 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Because even when you strip away all the fancy design elements and photographs, you’re still left with a compelling case for why you should try their CRM platform. The secret is in the social proof numbers that they bold on the page. “Discover how Canadian customers have achieved: +37% increase in sales, +45% increase in customer satisfaction, and +43% increase in marketing ROI.” These are exactly the types of results that visitors are looking for when they end up on this page.

And of course, the most important number is right at the top: “Grow Your  Denmark WhatsApp Number Data Business with the World’s #1 Business CRM.” Data can be powerfully persuasive—especially in B2B where customers need to see those hard numbers to ensure they’re making the right decision. 10. : Chargebee Image courtesy of Chargebee. (Click image to see the full page.) Best practice to steal: Don’t hesitate to go after your competitors Chargebee knows that Recurly, a subscription and billing platform, is one of their top competitors.

On this landing page, they go for the kill with a testimonial implying it could take “months” to enter a new market with Recurly, where with Chargebee, it’s only a matter of days. The fact that this comes from a testimonial and has that social proof backing it up makes it all the more strong. They also use “subscription management software” in their headline, which is how their competitor self-describes. Gotta hand it to ’em. This is also a great example of a pay-per-click (or PPC) landing page, meaning advertisers bid on specific keywords and pay a fee whenever their ad is clicked.


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