Historically, criminology has focused its study on individual or micro-level crimes . From Lombroso and his criminal to the ecological currents of thought on criminality that, although social and non-biological in nature, advocate short-term and situational policies, this discipline has ignored or avoided other types of studies that implied a more structural or global . It is at this point where authors such as Wayne Morrison find themselves through his work “ Criminology, Civilization and the New World Order ” , criticizing criminology for being absent, or at least, in profile, while hundreds of massive state crimes occurred since mid-19th century.
State crimes are those that we know as crimes against humanity, such as genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity. To this, adds another question, and that is “ what does criminology have to say regarding the Fax Lists social and environmental consequences of the current neoliberal economic model?” ” ,. Both authors show that the logic of action of the criminological discipline can serve as scientific support and justifier in the creation of safe spaces , taking advantage of the facilities provided by its selective and othering strategies in the creation of enemies through that discourse. of security around an exclusive civilized space.
Therefore, following criminology must speak and analyze the so-called crimes of the system , as those that “ consist of a set of political and/or economic activities carried out by an indeterminate and indeterminable plurality of subjects . There is talk, therefore, of this discipline studying the damage caused by the power of the market, global powers, because, for the moment, the study of the catastrophes that these dynamics cause and the relief that should be provided is being selectively omitted. to affected populations. One of the main examples of the subject in question is climate migrations or forced displacements.